Additional details about this Ticket.\nYou can set the details object either when creating a ticket or when updating an existing ticket.

 "details": {
		"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "iPAddress": "",
    "location": "Hartford, Vermont",
    "cardsPath": "Main/Destination/Name/Mail address/Thanks",
    "source": {
      "title": "Glassix",
      "uri": null
    "externalLink": null,
    "isMobile": false,
    "identityTokenClaims": null,
    "referral": {
      "utmParameters": null,
      "adId": "",
      "adTitle": "",
      "refData": "",
      "productId": "",
      "fbPostId": "",
      "instagramStoryId": "",
      "instagramStoryMediaUrl": null,
      "appleIntentId": "",
      "appleGroupId": "",
      "twitterRootTweetId": "",
      "whatsappHeadline": "",
      "whatsappBody": "",
      "whatsappSourceType": "",
      "whatsappSourceId": "",
      "whatsappSourceUrl": null
userAgentstringThe user agent of the customer.
iPAddressstringThe IP of the customer.
locationstringCity, State, Country etc.
sourceobjectThe source from which this ticket was opened. Can be a website address, a Facebook page, etc.
titlestringA part of source.
uristringA part of source.
externalLinkstringLink to the CRM ticket or another link you want the agent to see with the ticket details
myCustomClaim1stringA part of identityTokenClaims.
myCustomClaimstringA part of identityTokenClaims.
utmParametersobjectA Part of referral.
UTM parameters are just short pieces of code (starts with utm_) you can add to links. They include information about the link’s placement and purpose, making it easier to track clicks and traffic. This is relevent for the Web Chat channel.
utm_sourceA part of utmParameters.
utm_mediumA part of utmParameters.
utm_campaignA part of utmParameters.
utm_contentA part of utmParameters.
utm_termA part of utmParameters.
adIdstringA part of referral.
Facebook ad/Instagram ad id that this ticket originated from.
adTitlestringA part of referral.
Facebook ad/Instagram ad title that this ticket originated from
refDatastringA part of referral.
Data passed as a query string to messenger links. http://<PAGE_NAME>?ref=<REF_PARAM>
productIdstringA part of referral.
Product ID from the Ad the user is interested in
fbPostIdstringA part of referral.
The FB post id. This can be sent via FB Comments or Messenger.
instagramStoryIdstringA part of referral.
The IG sory id.
instagramStoryMediaUrlstringA part of referral.
The IG story media link.
appleIntentIdstringA part of referral.
The Apple intent id.
appleGroupIdstringA part of referral.
The Apple group id.
twitterRootTweetIdstringA part of referral.
The Twitter root tweet id.
whatsappHeadlinestringA part of referral.
Headline used in the ad that generated the message.
whatsappBodystringA part of referral.
Body from the ad that generated the message.
whatsappSourceTypestringA part of referral.
The type of the ad’s source. Currently, supported values are ad and post.
whatsappSourceIdstringA part of referral.
Facebook ID for an ad or a post sent via WhatsApp
whatsappSourceUrlstringA part of referral.
The url that leads to the ad or post. Opening this url takes you to the ad viewed by your user.
isMobilebooleanWas this Ticket opened on the mobile? This value is valid only for chat tickets.

Read more about WhatsApp refferals here.