Custom-made parameters defined by the department. The values for these parameters will be collected during a chatbot conversation.

  "id": "787cb557-cf6f-4c3c-bc73-711096769c4c",
  "flowId": "5b09d05db-7e0c-472b-a3aa-5b91f9be826c",
  "name": "userId",
  "strValue": null,
  "boolValue": false,
  "numValue": 0.0,
  "type": "Number",
  "creationDatetime": "2021-12-19T05:12:11Z"
ParameterTypeDescriptionAllowed Values
idstringThe id of the parameter.
flowIdstringThe flow Id on which this parameter was defined.
namestringThe parameter name.
strValuestringThe data that was filled by the customer during the chatbot conversation.
boolValueBooleanThe data that was filled by the customer during the chatbot conversation.
numValuefloatThe data that was filled by the customer during the chatbot conversation.
typestringThe expected type of the data that is stored on the value property of this parameter.String, Number, Boolean, Location, Attachment