Add Data Entry Card

# Overview

A data entry card allows you to collect information from your customers. This can serve multiple purposes and benefits, such as:

* Providing personal and specific services to your customer. For example, providing shipment information based on a tracking number.
* Collect data about the customer for future communication.
* Reducing agent wait times by pre-collecting basic information.

# Create Data Entry

1. In the **New card** sidebar, click on **Data entry**.

![]( "Dataentry1.png")

2. Fill in the following text boxes as desired for the message attached: **Friendly name**,**Cover image** **Title**, **Text**.
3. From the **Question property** drop-down, select the information you want to collect and accordingly fill in any boxes shown.
4. In the **Question type** section, click on your desired option
   * If you chose **Multiple Choice**, add desired buttons. 
     > Multiple choice gives you control over the answers you'll accept from your customers.

> 🚧 **Note:**
> Currently, this is only optional in our new bot.

5. Click **Save**.

![]( "Dataentry2.png")

> 📘 **Tip:**
> Some **Question property**s have an **Ask{Question property} when** choice box. Choose the desired behavior for the question when the value has already been collected.